The No. in the second column were the 101 shark available for Mollet and Cailliet (1996) and Mollet et al. (1996). Starting new #'s in Oct 2014. Put old in () if applicable and could add it to first col with pics. Looks like not all of the orignial 101 sharks were in this table? The condition factor (CF) = Mass (kg)/TL(m)^3 is a good indicator to catch outliers w.r.t. mass or total length. A graph of the condition factor vs. TL for 132 white sharks is shown at and indicates that the range is expected to be between 6-15 kg/m^3.
As a hoax, the picture of this shark was circulated in Oct 2014 as a 10.4 m TL, 15.6 ton prehistoic shark and it may not have been the first time. Acc. to Victor Lin this white shark was caught and dissected in South Africa. It was reported to be 4.3 m long and weighed 900kg. Acc to Dylson Irian this white that was caught in the KZN bather protection nets and was dissected in Mossel Bay, South Africa in late 2009 by Enrico Gennari, as part of his PhD at Rhodes University (FL 4.050 m, PCL 3.630, Girth 2.270 m). The photo shows the shark before it was eviserated. The second (bottom) photo better shows the true size of this shark. This shark became part of the television series Inside Nature's Giants.
Download italian movie Operation White Shark
Thanks to Victor Lin for newspaper clipping. Santa Barbara commercial fisherman Bruce Brammel land a 15-foot-long great white shark Monday while drift-netting for swordfish off Smuggler's Cove at Santa Cruz Island. Brammer reportedly struggled two hours to board the shark, which was snapping as it hit the deck. Harbormaster Julie Hazard said a shark of this size is caught here every few year. Although great white are native to California's cold waters, the shark usually aren't off santa Barbara because they generally remain in deeper seas, a marine expert said. Most large specimens are found north of Point Conception.
A pregnant female white shark was caught off eastern Taiwan. It was 4.7m long and weighed 1170kg (gutted but including embryos). When it was cut open there were 15 near- term embryos found. Thanks go to Victor Lin for information. URL provided by George Burgesss. Summary at
Largest white shark caught off California. Measured length was 18 feet 1/2 inch (5.50 m). Thanks to Mike Shaw, SeaWorld (pers.comm.) Taxidermied specimen was on display at SeaWorld and jaw was later acquired by Gordon Hubbell. Total weight 4,150lbs (1514 kg) (page58 "The Sea World Book Of Sharks" by Eve Bunting). Liver mass 272 kg (600 lbs, 14.46 %); heart mass 4.5 kg (10 lbs, 0.24 %); girth 3.1 m (10' 2", 56% of TL). Shark was harpooned by fisherman Weeren near West end of Catalina Island on June 13, 1976 (14.8 km from shore of Catalina Island, 27.8 km from California coast). Accoroding to Le Boeuf et al. (1982) the stomach contents were nearly digested and could not be identified. The bulk of the material suggested a large animal, probably a marine mammal. Klimley (1985, Fig. 7) reported that the stomach contents of this fish were identified as elephant seal (Mirounge angustirostris) and that the estimated mass was 680 kg. However, these data apply to a different white shark caught on 7 Sep 1975 with TL 5 m, namely #6 in Table 1 in Le Boeuf et al (1982) for which the stomach content were identified as elephant seal and it was estimated that the elephant seal probably measured 3 m TL and weighed 450 to 680 kg. Thanks to Andrew Sprott who later located an UPI photo with caption in the Fresno Bee dated 17 June, 1976. New photo was provided by Scott Mierzwiak (Dec 22, 2017). From Bone Clone Website: "The original jaw was prepared by Dr. Gordon Hubbell, a leading researcher in sharks. The original specimen was brought to Sea World in San Diego and was caught off the Southern California coast. The jaw contains a total of 230 teeth (5 rows of 46)." TL is reported to be 19' 6" (5.94 m) which is a likely overestimate. According to Ralph Collier (email to Andrew Sprott) this shark was measured by Shelly Applegate and Ralph to be TL = 19' 3.5" (5.88 m) and mass 4,680lbs (2123 kg). These appear to be overestimates also.